Saturday, August 11, 2007

Found this sweet picture of Dad playing pool with the boys. He loved playing with everyone and he was such a WINNER. The pictures on the wall behind them are those who lost to Grandpa Great over the years. You can see Grandpa Ken is one of them on the wall. Love and miss Dad. He was the BEST!


Anonymous said...

thats a great pic i miss him so much!!!
lots of love,

Destiny said...

Yea, that is a really neat picture... I also miss him, he was so much fun to be around:)

I guess you just had to put that in that my grandpa was a looser, well my grandpa great was a winner:D ha:P

Ginger said...

Destiny and Jennifer...sweet comments about Grandpa Great. He was loved so much.

Destiny..."Grin" Grandpa Ken is a winner at so many things but just happened to always lose at pool to Grandpa Great

Anonymous said...

Well Ginger the tears are flowing again. I miss him and Mom so much but pictures do help keep the memories of them going. He did enjoy playing pool with everyone.

David Kruse said...

He was the best Grandpa we could ever have. I only wish that I could have played pool with him too. I feel so left out :(

Ginger said...

David...he would have enjoyed playing with you too. Sorry you did not get the opportunity but you have other memories just as precious. Love you Aunt Ginger

P.S. Hope you are practicing your piano/ play awesome and will only get better.

T blog said...

as i recall i got a pic up on the wall with me gettin the quarter!
well he taught me most of my pool skills. just never mind that i won one game and he one like 50 lol.

The Goldman Family said...

Amen, Amen, and Amen...the GREATEST Grandpa GREAT EVER!!! I miss him too. What super memories we will have of him forever. Thanks for the great picture Aunt Ginger!
Miss you

Ginger said...

Thank you is difficult since it is nearing the date of Dad's journey to see the Lord and Mom. Please give your Mom and Aunt Vickie comfort as the time nears. Love you so much.