Saturday, October 4, 2008

Jessica and I Making a Puzzle

Jessica came over yesterday and we made one of the puzzles I bought when I was in Oregon at a garage sale with my sister Dottie. Anyway, we made it in several hours (well I should say Jessica made most of it "Grin"). It was fun!


Vickie said...

Great job Jessica and Ginger. It looks like a cool one. I'm still working on the 1500 piece puzzle you gave me and I've been grrrring over it several times lol. If the cats knock it over one more time into the box it goes lol. I love working on puzzles. Hugs to you both...

The Goldman Family said...

How fun! Nice puzzle, looks like it was a challenge. I bought some puzzles to do at school with the kids....but they are 25 and 56 piece puzzles! LOL
Love you

Grandma of Many said...

That's a great accomplishment Jessica and Ginger. It looks really pretty. That sure was fun garage selling, antique selling, eating, going to the movie etc. etc. I miss you. Love, Dottie